For example, with the click of a button you can convert 90 files, 45 pairs of forward and reverse sequences, into 45 contigs named according to your Patient IDs. A change in your sequence assembly parameters regroups your fragments, so you can assemble the contigs according to Clone ID, Date, Primer, or any other characteristic you record in your sequence names.
Sequencher DNA序列分析软件是科学家们*的工具。持续发展和改进**过25年,Sequencher提供了**的功能特征,成千上万的出版物都有相关的应用介绍。新手用户可以以少的时间投资产生结果,而有经验的用户会惊叹于功能的深度和控制。Sequencher自带各种专有算法,可以为Sanger, Next-Gen Sequencing (NGS)和RNA-Seq序列数据生成结果。
BWA是Sequencher v5.2时添加到插件家族中的。Sequencher使用BWA-MEM, BWA软件包包含了快新的算法。BWA-MEM被设计为对齐70bp到1Mbp的序列读数到参考序列中。BWA在命令行中运行。Sequencher为您提供了一个易于使用的接口,它可以使您与命令行隔离,并且不必学习或使用命令行参数。用户想要访问这些命令行函数,Advanced (Edit)对话框也允许您使用这些命令行。
GSNAP是Sequencher v5.0被添加到插件家族中。GSNAP使用压缩参考序列的基准参考对准的方法。当执行Next-Gen序列时,让GSNAP可以更快更简单。
GSNAP被设计用来执行Illumina-Solexa的基于参考对准和Sanger标准数据,这个标准数据是成对结尾或未成对结尾的。在GSNAP中,序列的长度不是问题,因为它可以在非常短的时间内与任意长的数据长度对齐。GSNAP可以处理Multiplex ID(MID)数据,从而进一步提高工作效率。Sequencher友好的界面允许您使用MID数据来发挥GSNAP的功能。Sequencher自动将数据按条形码分割成单的文件,使用GSNAP将它们与引用对齐,并将结果放入单的结果文件夹中。
In the NGS space, trust the accuracy of your work to peer-reviewed and published algorithms and tools such as GSNAP for reference-guided alignment, Velvet for de novo assembly, Cufflinks for RNA-Seq Differential Expression and Tablet for visualization. The design and effort that goes into Sequencher makes them easy to use because once you have learned how to use one, you have learned how to use them all.
Most of us work more efficiently if we have some tools to help us understand what all of the available flags and parameters are and how they affect the program. The Sequencher interface helps you select options, set values, and learn the available functionality with descriptions and tool tips. The same options from the command line above are set this way in Sequencher: