**数以百万计的和科学家使用 MATLAB? 来分析和设计可改变世界的系统和产品。MATLAB 广泛应用于汽车主动安全系统、行星际宇宙飞船、健康设备、智能电网和 LTE 蜂窝网络。它用于机器学习、信号处理、图像处理、计算机视觉、通讯、计算金融学、控制设计、机器人学等等。
Key Features
为什么选择 MATLAB?
MATLAB 是面向和科学家的简单和具生产力的软件。无论您要分析数据、开发算法还是创建模型,MATLAB 都提供了鼓励探索和发现的环境。它将语言与针对迭代式工程和科学工作流进行调整的桌面环境相结合。
基于矩阵的 MATLAB 语言是世界上自然的计算数学表示方法。MATLAB 中的线性代数就像教科书中的线性代数一样。这样可以简单直接地捕获您想 法背后的数学概念,意味着您的代码更*编写、阅读和理解,而且更*维护。
您可以信任您的计算结果。MATLAB 深根于数值分析研究社区,因其无可挑剔的数值运算而广为人知。由 350 名组成的 MathWorks 团队每天都对 MATLAB 代码库运行数百万次的测试,不断验证其质量。
MATLAB 执行艰苦工作,确保您的代码快速运行。数算分布到您的计算机上的多个内核中,库调用经过高度优化,所有代码均即时编译。您可以通过将 for 循环更改为并行 for 循环或将标准数组更改为 GPU 或分布式数组来以并行方式运行您的算法。*更改代码,即可在可无限扩展的公共云或私有云上运行并行算法。
MATLAB 语言还提供了传统编程语言的功能,包括流控制、错误处理、面向对象编程、单元测试和源代码管理集成。
MATLAB® and Simulink® products help engineers design and simulate communications systems with greater speed and accuracy. Using both detailed low-level models as well as higher-level behavioral abstractions, communications engineers can implement the desired level of model fidelity and run-time performance from within a single environment. MATLAB and Simulink streamline design flows by helping engineers to:
Design and simulate communications algorithms and systems using top-down design methodologies
Combine Signal Processing, analog/mixed-**, and RF domains in a single system model
Design, simulate, and verify complex systems using standards such as LTE
Prototype designs with connections to hardware such as USRP® to enable radio-in-the-loop design
MATLAB® lets you develop algorithms much faster than in traditional languages such as C, C++, or Fortran. You can validate concepts, explore design alternatives, and distribute your algorithm in the form that best suits your application. MATLAB provides the tools you need to transform your ideas into algorithms, including:
Thousands of core mathematical, engineering, and scientific functions
Application-specific algorithms in domains such as ** and image processing, control design, computational finance, and computational biology
Development tools for editing, debugging, and optimizing algorithms
These capabilities, combined with MATLAB programs created by the worldwide user community, let you explore approaches that otherwise would be too time-consuming to consider.
Your completed algorithms can be converted into self-contained applications and software components for desktop and Web deployment. Alternatively, you can incorporate the algorithm in a system simulation or an embedded system.
MATLAB 图像处理和计算机视觉
使用 MATLAB® 和 Simulink® 可帮您深入了解图像和视频数据,开发算法,并探寻具体实施时的权衡取舍。
通过可互操作的 API 和集成工具与使用 OpenCV、Python 和 C/C++的团队协作。
加速NVIDIA GPU、云和数据中心资源上的算法,而*的编程或 IT 知识。
将算法部署到嵌入式设备,包括 NVIDIA GPU、Intel 处理器、 FPGA 以及基于 ARM 的嵌入式处理器。
使用 Volume Viewer 应用程序,以立体或以平面切片的形式查看3D立体数据。
浏览一组 DICOM 文件,选择并导入到 MATLAB 中。