Golden Software does not recommend installing Grapher in the same
location as any previous version of Grapher. Grapher can coexist with
older versions as long as they are installed in different directories.
The Scripter program, included with Grapher, is useful in creating, editing,
and running files that automate Grapher procedures. By writing and
running files, simple mundane tasks or complex system integration
tasks can be performed precisely and repetitively without direct
interaction. Grapher also supports ActiveX Automation using any
compatible client, such as Visual BASIC. The automation capabilities allow
Grapher to be used as a data visualization and graph generation postprocessor for any scientific modeling system.
Worksheet Window
The worksheet window contains commands to display, edit, enter, and
save data. The worksheet window has several useful and powerful editing,
transformation, and statistical operations available. Several import and
export options are available for opening data files from other spreadsheet
programs. The Data Tools tab is automatically selected when you open or
switch to a worksheet document.
To enter data in a worksheet, use the File | Open command to open an
existing data file or click the File | New | Worksheet command to create a
blank worksheet. Data already used to create plots can be opened in the
worksheet window with the Graph Tools | Worksheet | Display command.
Automate the graphing process with the included Scripter?.
Use the simple Recorder to record your graph making process! Play back scripts to create the graph with a single click!
Export graphs for use in presentations and publications in one of Grapher’s many export formats, including vector PDF, EMF, and EPS.
Combine multiple axes or plots to display fabulous multiple variable graphs.