When the NCSS program is started, it will automatically open an untitled dataset. Here you can enter values by
typing them directly or copying and pasting from another location. The Fill button at the top may be useful for
entering columns of data with specific patterns. The column names may be entered in the light yellow Column
Info portion of the Data window. If it is not showing, click the blue Column Info tab button. You can view the
column information as columns or rows. To switch between the two, click the Rotate View button.
A dataset is saved by going to the File menu and selecting Save or Save As
Unstack Data Tool Options
The options on Unstack Data tool window are described below. Unless otherwise indicated, all examples will
assume that unstacking using grouping values is used.
Choose how the data will be unstacked. The options are
• Unstack Data using Grouping Values
In this unstacking type, each column is unstacked according to the values in associated grouping columns.
You must specify at least one Grouping Value Column when using this method.
Selecting a Procedure
There are three primary ways to select a procedure:
1. Select the procedure from the Data, Analysis, Graphics, or Tools menu.
2. Click the button of the corresponding procedure from the Favorites, Recent, or Loaded buttons of the tool
3. Select the procedure using the Procedure Navigator (click the Procedures button to open the Procedure