Prism还为您提供了许多的配件选择。可以将佳拟合参数的置信区间报告为不对称范围(轮廓似然法),这比通常的对称区间更。还可以从标准曲线中自动插入未知值(即分析RIA数据),使用F检验或Akaike的信息准则(AIC)比较两个方程的拟合,绘制残差,识别离群值,差分权重数据点,测试 正常性的残差,等等。
Discover What’s New in Prism 8!
Introducing an even more powerful Prism featuring enhanced data visualization and graph customization, more intuitive navigation, and more sophisticated statistical analyses.
Enhanced Data Visualization
Violin plots
Visualize distributions of large data sets more clearly than with box-whisker or simple bar graphs
Subcolumn graphs
Organize related subsets of nested data in a single graph
Smoothing spline
Major improvements in showing general data trends through Akima splines and smoothing splines with improved control over the number of knots, or inflection points
No more smiles
More intelligent adjustments of data point positions in scatter plots for better looking graphs
Bubble Plots
Create Bubble Plots directly from raw data, encoding variables for position (X- and Y-coordinates), color, and size
Automate Your Work Without Programming
Automatically add multiple pairwise comparisons to your analysis with a single click. For customization options of these lines and asterisks, simply click the toolbar button again. Make adjustments to the data or the analysis, and the results displayed on the graph will update automatically.