Research analysts can dynamically change the word cloud in as little as 1-2 clicks. New importation features let you import news articles directly from Factiva and LexisNexis. There are new capabilities to import and analyze Asian languages such as Chinese, Thai and Japanese.
Interactive word clouds and word frequency tables can now be obtained on any document variable or on results of retrieval operations (text, coding, section or keyword retrieval) as well as for a single document or for text displayed in the new grid view.
Donut, Radar, Stacked Bar and Area Charts.
A donut chart can now be used to display relative codes or class frequencies (CODING FREQUENCY and VARIABLE STATISTICS dialog boxes). The charting feature of the CODING BY VARIABLES dialog box also adds the possibility to create a radar chart, a stacked bar chart as well as two types of stacked area charts.
What's New in Version 6?