因为GRAMS Suite与许多不同的仪器数据类型具有广泛的兼容性,并且具有简单的用户界面,所以它改善了对数据的访问,促进了协作,并减少了对多个软件包和相关培训的需求。
GRAMS/AI can also directly acquire data
from a number of instruments via its unique
My Instrument plug-in interface. GRAMS/AI
includes capabilities for interchanging data
with Microsoft Excel, real time visualization
of large data sets with GRAMS/3D, and
can access data from other GRAMS Suite
applications such as Spectral DB workgroup
databases and Spectral ID search libraries
Efficient and Optimal Analysis of Each Sample
Utilize multiple calibrations in a single file to create a complete collection of all analyses to be performed on each sample spectrum
IR/Raman Application Pack: ATR pathlength correction, Interferogram compute,
Kramers-Kronig transform, Raman shift
correction, and a CCD spectrometer
calibration routine.
UV/VIS/NIR Application Pack: Performs
popular colormetric analyses such as
L*A*B and L*U*V using all standard
CIE illuminants.