ANSI/ISO-Compliant Fortran 95
LF Fortran 95 is a complete implementation of the ANSI/ISO Fortran 95 standard. Fortran 95 offers some small but important improvements over Fortran 90, including the ability to create your own elemental procedures, default initialization for structure components, the NULL intrinsic for initializing pointers, the FORALL construct, and a standard CPU_TIME intrinsic procedure.
Full Fortran 95/90/77 compliance with extensive support for the Fortran 2003 and 2008 standards; targets 32 and 64-bit Windows. Includes the automatic-parallelizing GFortran compiler
Fortran 2003 offers major improvements over Fortran 95, largely completing the ability to perform object oriented programming begun with Fortran 90. In addition, it introduces the concept of an intrinsic module. An intrinsic module contains encapsulated intrinsic procedures and/or data that presents a standardized means of providing a service defined by that intrinsic module. An example of an intrinsic module is ISO_C_BINDING, which presents a standardized interface the Fortran user can utilize to interface with a C compiler, and defines type parameters that can be used to represent C pointers and data in Fortran code. Another intrinsic module, ISO_FORTRAN_ENV provides information about the execution environment the program is running in. A companion C compiler is provided that can be called using ISO_C_BINDING intrinsic module. Currently, the most notable exception to complete compliance is the lack of support for IEEE 1989 exception handling via the IEEE_ARITHMETIC intrinsic module.
Features in LF Professional v7.8
Visual Studio 2015 with Lahey's exclusive Fortran Integration
BLAS, LAPACK, and SLATEC libraries link options (for LGF build)
Intellisense is provided for WiSK, BLAS, LAPACK, and SLATEC procedures.
Fortran MODULE INTERFACEs are now scanned for inclusion in Intellisense.
GFortran 6.3.1 compiler
Winteracter Starter Kit (WiSK)