面向控制系统的 MATLAB 和 Simulink
控制系统在所有开发阶段都会使用 MATLAB® 和 Simulink® – 从对象建模到设计并调节控制算法和调度逻辑,一直到通过自动生成代码进行部署以及系统的验证、确认和测试。MATLAB 和 Simulink 可提供:
自动调节 PID、增益调度和任意 SISO 和 MIMO 控制系统
调度逻辑的建模、设计和仿真,用于执行调度、模式开关以及故障检测、隔离与恢复 (FDIR)
Large-scale simulations and data processing tasks that support engineering and scientific activities such as mathematical modeling, algorithm development, and testing can take an unreasonably long time to complete or require a lot of computer memory.
You can speed up these tasks by taking advantage of high-performance computing resources, such as multicore computers, GPUs, computer clusters, and grid and cloud computing services.
MathWorks parallel computing products let you use these resources from MATLAB® and Simulink® without making major changes to your computing environment and workflows. Using parallel computing products, you can:
Reduce your programming effort
Run an application across a range of high-performance computing resources
Program and execute parallel code interactively or in batch mode
Manufacturers of equipment used in manufacturing, testing, and power generation applications face complex challenges to develop embedded applications that integrate with mechanical, electrical, control, and ** processing systems. Forward-looking companies are turning to Model-Based Design to redefine the way they perform system-level design.
Model-Based Design enables industrial equipment makers to create executable specifications in the form of Simulink® models that provide clear design direction to diverse engineering groups.
Sharing models shifts the focus of the development process from design and test on hardware to design and test with models, enabling early verification across domains before investing in prototypes. Machine makers then leverage code-generation technology to reduce rework, link code to design, and allow software engineers to focus on software architecture.