Designing a cross species assay involves the use of a multiple sequence alignment tool to identify conserved stretches of DNA and the design of a hybridization probe for detecting it. Recently there have been advances in micro-organism identification at the taxonomical level using molecular level identification techniques such as real time PCR and microarrays.
设计Luminex xMAP试验
基于Luminex’s xMAP技术,AlleleID可以设计应用于悬浮阵列系统的应变-微分多重分析设计。如果您研究的是密切相关的生物体,这个功能可以帮助您在一个反应体系中进行等位基因特引物延伸(ASPE)和DHA检测。
SYBR® Green is the most widely used double-strand DNA-specific dye reported for real time PCR. SYBR® Green binds to the minor groove of the DNA double helix. In the solution , the unbound dye exhibits very little fluorescence. This fluorescence is substantially enhanced when the dye is bound to double stranded DNA. SYBR® Green remains stable under PCR conditions and the optical filter of the thermocycler can be affixed to harmonize the excitation and emission wavelengths. Ethidium bromide can also be used for detection but its carcinogenic nature renders its use restrictive.
Real Time PCR VS Traditional PCR
Real time PCR allows for the detection of PCR product during the early phases of the reaction. This ability of measuring the reaction kinetics in the early phases of PCR provide a distinct advantage over traditional PCR detection. Traditional methods use gel electrophoresis for the detection of PCR amplification in the final phase or at end-point of the PCR reaction.