T2VOC is a TOUGH2 module for 3-phase flow of water, air, and a volatile organic compound (VOC). T2VOC was designed to simulate processes such as the migration of hazardous non-aqueous phase liquids (NAPLs) in variably saturated media, forced vacuum extraction of organic chemical vapors from the unsaturated zone (soil vapor extraction), evaporation and diffusion of chemical vapors in the unsaturated zone, air injection into the saturated zone for removal of volatile organics (air sparging), direct pumping of contaminated water and free product, and steam injection for the removal of NAPLs from contaminated soils and aquifers.
Specify the start-up time for a well on deliverability. This avoids the need for multiple restarts when modeling a number of make-up wells in field-scale geothermal production forecast.
Specify the productivity index (PI) and flowing pressures for each layer of a well on deliverability.
IAPWS-IF97 correlations for pure water added to the standard TOUGH2 EOSs. These extend the use of TOUGH2 to near-critical conditions (T>350°C) and to geothermal geopressured conditions (P>1000 bara).
IAPWS 2008 viscosity formulation for pure water and steam added to the standard TOUGH2 EOSs.
T2VOC,TMVOC和 TOUGHREACT(v1.2)执行文件。也支持TOUGH 2.1和TOUGHREACT 2.0,但是需要额外付费购买。此外,还支持HydrateResSim,必须从NETL获取,才能与PetraSim一起使用。PetraSim还包含了对TOUGHREACT v3.0和TOUGHREACT-Pitzer的部分支持。
使用PetraSim自带的TOUGH2 v2可执行文件,包括了只有PetraSim才能修改的源代码。包括CSV文件的输出(用于界面中的结果可
PetraSim includes TOUGH2 (version 2), T2VOC, TMVOC, and TOUGHREACT (version 1.2) executables. TOUGH version 2.1 and TOUGHREACT v2.0 are supported and can be purchased for an additional fee. HydrateResSim is also supported and must be acquired from NETL for use with PetraSim. PetraSim also includes limited support for TOUGHREACT v3.3 and TOUGHREACT-Pitzer.
The TOUGH2 (version 2) executables packaged with PetraSim include changes to the TOUGH2 source code available only with PetraSim. This includes the output of CSV files (used for results visualization within the interface) and a number of changes designed to improve geothermal models.
PetraSim 水流、运移、热建模软件